

From the “Art of Conversation,” the duet CD of Kenny Barron and Dave Holland. Holland’s sensitive rendering of the melody evoked the scene I visualized for the lyrics. They describe the effect of seeing a brief but revealing glance. “How could one brief moment become like a  message caught in a frame?” Just a “moment I could have missed.”  There are more than a few lyrics I’ve done for Kenny’s beautiful compositions that attempt to describe feelings that are hard to express. “Rain” is gentle and contemplative, creating a mood that I tried to reflect with delicacy and depth.

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Kenny BarronA recent description of Kenny Barron: “One of the most articulate and polished mainstream-to-bop improvisers in the jazz of the last 40 years.” (The Guardian). For years the NYT labeled him the “pianist of choice,” certainly true for Stan Getz in their last legendary performances. Their duets are heartbreakingly lyrical and informed by the clarity found in the best of the genre. But Barron’s many sessions as a leader attest to his being a prolific composer as well. Being an NEA Jazz Master, among other accolades, is a reflection of the high esteem he holds. I was drawn to his compositions decades ago while in NYC, The desire to sing his melodies, surrounded by the complex coherence of his harmonic sensibility, however challenging, was compelling. More than two dozen of our collaborative lyrics and songs will eventually be available in the Shop.